Friday, February 25, 2011

Rantin' 110224

Okay, so I was thinking (...yeah, whatever...), There's so much going on, ... really.  In my life, in your life, at work, in the world, countries in rebellion, the earth falling apart, global warming, taxes, health issues, new cures, old diseases, high tech....
but what is the point, what really matters, what do you care about
Do you care about the measles scare in Boston?  Do you care about the fruit stand guy in Tunisia? Do you care about the earthquake in New Zealand even? ( I could just go on and on and . . .  why .) So if you do care, What are you doing about it? Seriously, are you doing anything about it? I'm not.
I recycle. That's good, right. I go to church. That's good, isn't it? I donate money, I know that's got to count for something, come on, it's MONEY!
but what can I do about the situation the world is in, earthquakes, global warming, . . . nothing.  How about pirates of the coast of Somalia . . . dictators (evil, evil dictators, not the regular ones) . . . drug kingpins, dealers, traffickers in human slavery, . . . not much.
How about the starving children in . . . or the victims of natural disaster in New Zealand, Haiti, New Orleans, => make a donation, go ahead you can do it, compare what you have to what they have (0), give something. Okay,
subtotal: difference made so far 0.0000001
( I think I'm being extremely generous, if you want to be realistic then go ahead and add all the other zeros you feel necessary)
Bottom Line difference=Yes (???)
Impact = ah, . . . NO, say yes if it makes you feel better.
So how-what-where-when can I make a difference, I'm here, I do care, I want to do something
Start at home, . . . the spouse and kids? . . . sure, if you don't make a difference there, then don't go any further.
You want to go further? Really? ( . . . these are my own personal test questions . . .) WHY?
I can just mosey back into the other room and turn on the tube and before I know it . . . I am late going to bed . . . I'll get subverted by that . . . That . . . thAT . . . BOX!!! Day over . . . (GAME OVER) . . . try again tomorrow.
It is tomorrow. what a blur . . . oh my aching head . . . I need a break . . . I just want to relax . . .
r - e - l - a - x . . . a h h h h h . . . . b  l  u  r 
Today . . . TODAY IS THE DAY!
to go further,
to make a difference, 
can I
to make
a difference?
(hey, they have formatting tools for our notes, how cool, let me change the way everything looks now . . .

If you are reading this, is it making a difference to you?
Do you want to do something to make a difference?
Do you know someone who want to do something to make a difference?
Please, PLEASE, tell me.