Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The change

You know how people talk about the point in their life when things changed. Sometimes it's a major calamity, for others it's an life event. It can be the point in your life when you hit bottom and for that matter I guess it could be that point where you peak out and begin the slide down.
I know I've a number of each type occur in my life so what is the ONE.
Is there just one for each of us or is it a series of one after another, if it is a series then it really doesn't fit the premise of the point where life changed does it.
So how do you know when that one specific life changing event occurred if our lives are full of series upon series of events. Well it would have to be truly life altering. The meaning of life has to change, the purpose changes. How we view life itself must change.
(prelude) married with three children in the house. 
Sometime we view life as a series of changes. (tick, tick, tick) The sun comes up and goes back down. The weather is cold, wet, clear, humid, hot, foggy, dry, cloudy, (tick, tick, tick) . . . We go to work, we go on vacation, we get put out of work -(tick, tick, tick) I'm acknowledging the effects of TIME. (tick, tick, tick) It happens.
the job just went through another tough time and so hours and wages were down. 
It can really get old, real fast, right. we get tired of the same ol', same ol'. we question why we're in the place we're in. how did I get here? How Do I Get OUT!
the spouse was doing drugs and alcohol more than ever before. 
We want excitement, we want something different we want change from the regular change
the drugs and alcohol worked less than ever before. 
Is this all there is? How do I change my life? Why do I feel stuck?
help was nowhere in sight. 
And apathy sets in for a stay. Maybe a visit from depression. . . what's the point? . . . who cares? There has got to be more to life than this.
and she left me and my boys.
What did I do wrong? 
It wasn't until this past Sunday during the message when I heard, "It's when we cry out to God", when we CRY out to God. It's only when we are in deep %##&* that we really CRY.  When we hurt so much, when we have lost ALL hope (hope-less), when we have nowhere else to turn, that we turn to Him.
Okay if there isn't anyone else then I will give God a chance . . .

I was driving down the highway one day wondering "What now?". I had to pull off the side of the road . . . I was a total mess  (tears from a grown man, shhh) . . . "God, GOD, . . . what am I going to do? . . . I don't know how to be a single parent . . . how am I going to work and take care of my kids . . . how am I going to pay for child care . . . GOD , , , help me .
I'll give God a chance? 

me and my boys.
God was just waiting for me to give HIM a chance. He was there. I didn't see Him. I couldn't hear Him. I didn't even know Him!

we spent alot of time together,  . . . we did everything together,  . . . we learned how to play together.  . . . the child care was affordable,  . . . it fit in a budget with food and gas and electricity. . . we went to church together . . . 
Years later I started going to a "non-denominational church" and learned about a God who wants to know us, personally, yeah right . . . not me . . . I'm not worth knowing, I don't deserve to know God, Why would He want to talk with me? come on, get real, it doesn't make sense.

. . . life went on . . . "Life is good!". . . 
It's too SIMPLE. Yes it is, very simple. 

On the side of the road one day, I cried out to God from my pain, and HE heard ME. 

My life will never be the same, and why would I want it to?

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