Thursday, March 3, 2011

the FIRE

Smokin' . . . it's got to be the number one cause (would you believe top three). Check it out (go'head, google it). and it's such a traumatic event. the smokin' . . from the fire. it gets the adrenaline pumping
Have you ever been in a place when a fire breaks out? Just think about it . . .
You're sitting around with friends, having a good time, joking about something or other . . . you're relaxed . . . just cruising along in autopilot . . . thinking about what you're going to later, daydreaming about something someone said and then

FIRE . . . F-I-R-E . . . RUN . . . Run for your life

The shock to your system, mentally, physically, emotionally (okay, I don't know about the emotional shock level of a fire in the minute that it becomes apparent)
It is pretty scary!

When you think about it, there are alot of things in this world that provide a shock to your system, ... mentally, ... physically, ... emotionally, ... even spiritually
(okay, this guy's out there, he's lost it, . . . maybe)
The shock is a response to a stimulus, an extreme response to a situation. I'm not talking about when you here the radio announcer talk about some taboo subject, or the television showing something that was never allowed on the screen before.  I'm trying to verbalize the state of a complete human in distress due to a life threatening situation. It happens to everyone.
The doctor will talk to you about the emotional shock and the physical impact on our body.
The therapist will get you to talk to the psychiatrist about the mental shock.
. . . and when you experience spiritual shock . . . who do you talk to?
Do you experience any spiritual shock?
Did you learn that your dad isn't Superman (or any superhero for that matter? in the strictest sense of the word) there was a time when you thought so...
What about when you learned that the world doesn't revolve around you?
It can be hard to think back that far (for whatever reason;)
How about that day when the love of your life, your first serious do or die, 'til death relationship, (you know the one) when you realized there was more to the story.

Then one day you woke up and the world as you knew it ceased to exist.

The shock, the spiritual shock is what forced you to find a new view of life
to put the pieces back together in a way that made sense.
All those little things that were on the edge of your awareness began to fit.
Aha, and the other exclamations followed
"     E U R E K A     "
There was purpose,
The shock from the world created a fire within.
the fire burned brighter and hotter and more intense
. . . passion grew . . .
The Fire motivated, provided direction, lit the way
the FIRE inside is . . .
. . . it is . . . beyond . . . what mere words can describe . . .

Do you have passion, is the fire burning . . .
Are YOU on FIRE ?

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