Thursday, March 10, 2011

So who is this Soma guy anyway?

You've all heard the story before, but I want to spin this from a different angle. So go along with me here, imagine . . . 

You're on vacation or a trip, alone and out of town somewhere. It happens, sooner or later . . . So there you are just minding your own business. You start out from one place and as you walk to the next . . .
<<By the way, do you have any prejudices? . . think about it . . Of course you do, everyone does . . . we are forced to make decisions continuously about things or people that we do not have enough information to make reasonable judgements about . . . everyday . . . Not life or death judgements, . . . just boundary type decisions >>

. . . and STOP.
You are confronted by some ordinary people, who want everything you have . . . they take your money, they take your coat and all of your belongings . . .then they take your health (they can't use it but they enjoy beating you to within an inch of your life)
These were ordinary looking people, like the ones you live and work with, you could easily have been one of them. You never expected this to happen. .  <<Do you know what those prejudices are? do you know what things trigger your uncomfortable button? It doesn't have to be the typical type of things, race or sex, . . . >> there was no confusing them with someone you would have felt uncomfortable around . . . prejudice was not involved on their part other than they wanted what you had.

Now . . . you are lying there, on the side of the road, dying, broke, smelling foul . . . a pitiful sight.  Along comes a guy who could be your brother, well to do, follows all the rules, obeys all the laws.  He does everything the right way He's a good person, he treats everybody you know fairly, he doesn't take advantage of anyone . . .  (ahem), and when he sees you, he doesn't want to get involved, he doesn't know you . . . , he doesn't trust you, there's something wrong with the image he has in front of him, it doesn't feel right. . .  he's supposed to be somewhere right now and h-u-r-r-i-e-s on his way.<<just when you see someone with a particular set of characteristics . .  you get a shiver down your spine . . . or you feel disgusted . . . or like you need to avert your gaze . . . or repulsed . . . >>

I wouldn't do that, would you? Okay, maybe I did do that . . . can you blame me, I don't blame you . . . who knows what might have been going on . . . I felt uncomfortable . . . the victim looked like one of 'those' people

Alright, so you can open your eyes momentarily, you glance around, it hurts to move your head, rest . . .  open your eyes and you see a woman that reminds you of your mother or aunt . . . she goes to church (all the time) always talking about her church . . . so annoying
<<Now I know, you are NOT prejudice against people who go to church, you just happen to think she goes on and on about it too much . . . you have enough information to decide that That is just how she is>> she sees you, you catch a glimpse of her compassion, you're a pitiful sight. . . you are lying there, . . . on the side of the road, what can she do. . . she glances around . . . it's dark . . . it's cold . . . shadows . . . you blink . . . she's gone.
what if the people who did that to you are still there?  what if someone is waiting to do that to her? it's scary, would you just walk up and help a stranger in those circumstance?  . . . Do you blame her?

. . . rest your head . . . close your eyes . . .  deep breath (OW), Man that hurts . . .
<<Do you ever think about the number of decisions that you make in a single day?  Of those, how many are you well informed about?>> ? h e l p ? . . . p l e a s e . . . s o m e o n e . . . 
Alright, so you can open your eyes momentarily, you glance around, it hurts to move your head . a . n . d . you p-a-s-s o-u-t------------------------------------. . . pain . . . <<What about the spur of the moment type, when you're driving down the road? . . . or riding on the bus? . . . or in a store? >> --------------------------c-o-l-d--------------------- <<Do you really know any of those people that you have decided are this type or that type?>> . somebody is there . . . they say relax . . .  ow-w- W- W - w - W - w - w (tic tic tic)
they're moving you . . . . warmth . . . (tic - toc - tic - toc)
you wake up, in a bit of a daze, but you feel comfortable, and you drift off, encouraged . . . (tic tic tic) you wake up, . . . . something smells good . . . there's food  . . . mmmmm . . . you are content, and you drift off,  . . . heartened
You wake up and find out: someone found you on the side of the road, they brought you to this place, . . . duh . . paid for you lodging, . . . huh . . got the local doctor to come over in the middle of the night to bind your wounds, . . . wuh . . paid the clerk to keep an eye on you, . . . wha . . paid the housekeeper to fix some food,  . . ha . . and they had to leave but said they would be back tomorrow.  . . who . . <<Do you know any one that is 'that type' of person?>>
Who is this person? (you ask) <<Do you really think you might know who they are? a friend or relative? That guy you were talking to who said he was going this way, maybe?>> 
The reply, "He said his name was 'Soma'."  (tic - toc - tic - toc)
Who is this person? and you drift off,  . . . cheered

STARTLED, you wake up to find a guy leaning over you.<< HE SMELLS >> . . . HEY, . . he backs up << he looks DIRTY >>. . . What are you doing . . he looks concerned . . << you feel  nauseated>>. . . you scan the room for the doctor, the clerk, the housekeeper . . he scans the room <<he has that particular set of characteristics . . .>>  . . you look at him . . .he reaches toward you << WHAT DOES HE WANT >> and he says "Hi, I'm Soma"

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